17 January 2020

Volumic at the Elysée Palace for the major "Made in France" exhibition

Under the high patronage of the President of the Republic Mr. Emmanuel Macron, and following the endorsement of the National Selection Committee chaired by Mrs. Agnès Pannier-Runacher (Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Finance), Volumic 3D has been invited to the major "Made in France" exhibition to be held on January 18 and 19, 2020 at the Palais de l'Elysée.

Following the recent technological recognition by the CES Las Vegas jury, which awarded us 2 "Innovation Awards", we are proud and happy to receive this mark of national recognition. Right from the start of our adventure, we decided to firmly anchor our production in France. Our aim was to create and develop a veritable industry of excellence in 3d printing, generating jobs and added value in France.

So it's only natural that our design, production and technical support activities are based in Nice (06).

What's more, we've been able to rally French suppliers around us, such as "CMA Industrie" (09) for the production of our aeronautical aluminum frames, and "Emile Maurin" (69) for all our screws and bolts.
We also work closely with French filament manufacturers such as Tag Plasturgie (69), CorExtrusion (69), Optimus (33), Kimya (44) and ARMOR (44).

It is this entire French sector of excellence that is today enabling our entire national economic fabric (from very small businesses to large international groups) to make the transition to Industry 4.0, by appropriating the tools that will give them a substantial advantage over their foreign competitors.

Together, we want to continue to make "French manufacturing", "excellence" and "innovation" rhyme, so as to carry the values of "Made In France" ever higher.

The 3D revolution is underway - join us!

PHOTOS (C) Présidence de la République.

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