Les ateliers Volumic sont fermés du 10 au 25 août inclus. Les expéditions de commandes reprendront le 26 août.

19 July 2024

VOLUMIC is full of new features for the new school year!

We are thrilled to announce three major new products for this fall 2024: 2 new 3D printers, along with a significant update that revamps our entire range!

EXO65: Large format made accessible!
With a printable volume of 274L in a 65x65x65cm format, the EXO65 makes large-dimension printing more accessible than ever. Print large parts in one go with precision and speed. Available for pre-order.

EXO42 IDRE: Two independent print heads!
The IDRE system offers five printing modes and a large format of 36x42x42cm. Print in single-head, dual-material, soluble support, or double your productivity with mirror and replication modes. Also available for pre-order.

M2 Update: A leap forward for the entire range
With boosted performance, an automatic calibration system, doubled printing speeds, a zero-vibration corrector, and much more, the M2 update will be available for new Volumic models and accessible to the latest generations.

"The arrival of these new printers and the M2 update marks a turning point for Volumic. It is a leap forward in performance, accessibility, and thoughtful technological development." – Stéphane Malaussena, Co-founder

Discover our latest innovations here.

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